Points of miscellany
Okay, so first things first: anyone who [still] has access to their university e-mail account, go and join
Facebook now. It's fascinating, though I could hardly tell you why...it's a site that theoretically helps you stay connected with friends, and it's been interesting trying to remember how I first met some of them. (Tiffany in particular...I don't actually remember meeting you -- I've just sort of always known you, lol! And if you ask Susan, the time she met me would be different from the time I first remember meeting her...and yes, that is strange. Blame it on my inadequate memory capabilities.)
The Phantom of the Opera is coming to the Canon Theatre in Toronto starting in February/March 2007. *squees and woots* Like, OMG. Maybe I can right that wrong I took by opting out of going to see the show the last time it was playing in town -- I was younger then, and I thought the show/Phantom would be too scary. :) I think I could probably take it by now... lol. But, sigh, I'll be working then, and who knows how much time I'll have to go and take in a show? Oh, what am I saying? I'LL MAKE FRIGGIN' TIME, GOSHDARNIT.
Thirdly: The
Oscars were last night, at which
Charlize Theron's dress
attempted to eat her head when she wasn't looking,
Ben Stiller was
a greenscreened floating head,
Reese Witherspoon mattered (no, I'm not being mean...go and read her
acceptance speech), and
Michelle Williams outshone everybody in yellow.
Lastly: I think I have decided to maybe change my MovieList of 20 favorite movies. The new list is
here. Bonus points to you (or, you know, I'll make you an icon or somethin') if you can tell what changed [in the main list only; I'm not entirely mad just yet].